
Saturday, March 3, 2012

The New and the Old

I know it has been a while since my last post. Lots of changes happening for me in the past week! I received a job offer (finally) and I am going to start work in a week! This job is on the coast so I will be commuting from here to there once a week. Because of this, I bought a new car!

I am so in love with my Ford Focus! I did not know I could love a car this much. I did love my old car (Wendy), but it was a love/hate relationship that revolved around a broken transmission that I could not afford to fix. I had so many good times in that car though so I will take a few minutes to talk about the good times:
  • I was gifted Wendy senior year of high school after I turned 18 and got my license. I was then able to create my own schedule (within limits) and drive myself around to visit friends.
  • I went on a long weekend trip to Monterrey with my girl friends and my first foster kittens in tow. Very memorable. 
  • Wendy drove me home to California every break during college so I could visit family and friends who I DEARLY missed. The drive was long, but with a Monster drink and some good music it was actually really fun.
  • During college my stress reliever was to do a late night drive to Michael's and Target.
  •  Wendy carried so many foster animals to and from the Humane Society. Her passenger seat was just big enough so I could put the carrier sideways and talk to the animals while I drove (it keeps them calm).
  • Driving Wendy in her last months was difficult, but also a bit exciting. I never knew if I was going to make it. On hills I could not go over 45 mph which was difficult on the freeway :) When her radiator blew it was a crazy experience driving home and stopping every couple minutes to let it cool down. Learning to drive an automatic like a manual was fun, but I won't miss it.
I won't miss the difficulties that came with an old car, but she will always be my first :)

Now I have a new job, a new car, and a new outlook on life! Thanks for reading. I will be posting my St. Patties Card tomorrow so stay tuned!


  1. I understand your sentiments very much. The Odyssey held so many special memories, especially about you and your brother. Moving that wonderful car along was really difficult, but had to be done ultimately. I hope you enjoy Roxy for years to come. Can't wait to meet her!

  2. It’s nice that you were able to replace your old car. Now, you won’t worry much about too much repairs for your car because you already have a new one. It’s good that you choose the Ford Focus because that’s one of the best cars that has proven its good performance.

  3. Your old car was an Odyssey? It's good enough as a family car, but at your age, the Ford Focus may be the best available car out there for you. Hopefully, you could maintain it well as you have the money and the time to do it this time around. :)

  4. Well, yeah, no matter how good or bad the memories we had with our first car, they will still be our first love, isn't it? ;) I got my first car when I was 17, and we also had a love/hate relationship. LOL! But seriously, it’s still good that you appreciate your old car as you certainly had great moments together! :) And with your new car, make sure that you'll also give the love and attention that it needs for you to be able to share and cherish lasting moments together—for a long, long time.

  5. We always have great stories to tell about our first car. That’s why it’s just sad to let go of your first car, knowing that you have spent too many good memories with it. This Ford Focus you bought is definitely a good choice though! The radical thing about this version of the Focus is that it has an HD Radio system, which has iTunes installed, so you can virtually listen to any music you love. I’m sure you’ll love this car even more than your old one!

  6. One thing I’m certain of is that no matter how many cars you’ll have in your lifetime, you will never forget your first ever car. Do you agree? I personally would never forget my first baby, how I felt when I held its steering wheel in my arms for the first time and the great memories we had together! ;)

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