
Friday, October 21, 2011

I Heart Nails

I was feeling so much love for all my new blog viewers and supporters so I pulled out my nail polish and voila! This is what I came up with. I guess this is better suited for valentines day, but I think hearts are acceptable year round. 

First give yourself white french tips. Refer to my three ways for french tipped nails tutorial if you need to learn how to do this.

On whichever finger you choose, paint a small red heart. I used the round end of a bobby pin to be precise. I started with two dots for the top of the heart and then I pulled down to make the point. Add more polish as you go and fiddle with it until your satisfied.

1 comment:

  1. I Heart Nails My nails are not easy to maintain - and as I'm sure some females don't want to admit, likely some males too,
    I make Heart Nails today for the first time and She made sure they matched the photo perfectly..Thanks Jessica
