
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Rainy Day Nails

The gloom of winter has finally caught up with me. It is raining, snowing, and windy here. The darkness of the days makes me a bit more gloomy than usual. So, in keeping with the mood of the weather, I painted my nails to look like the rainy day outside.

I like how messy you can be with this design. Don't worry about smudges or drops that are different sizes.

  • Gray, Light Blue, and White nail polish (I used a white art deco bottle with a long skinny brush)
  • Toothpicks
  • Clear Top Coat
First put on a couple coats of gray.

With a toothpick add drops of light blue on the gray.

With the white add streaks of white and small white dots.

Put on a top coat and you're done! You can alter this design to fit your own weather :)


  1. this is so cute, i love the color scheme you got going. i'll have to try it later on tonight!

  2. Great use of gray, I would've never consider buying the color but to see it combined with the colors u chose gives me second thoughts!

  3. thats great! never thought grey would look so good

  4. I love that you've translated your feelings using nail polish! Beatiful & creative.
